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How to hire and build a successful development team

Why are we afraid to accept that we are experiencing a learning curve? No one knows, but it may be due to the immediacy and excess of competition we are exposed to in our companies and believe us, no one is spared.

Hiring a team to develop software of the highest quality is not an easy task, so it is 100% normal not to know where to start, even experts fail!

Many questions may arise along the way such as, Where do I start? What should I do to build my dream team? How much budget should I dedicate to the project? How long will it last?...As it is normal for this to happen, in most cases, the best solution is usually to get expert guidance.

It is always necessary to go through that learning curve, but with Bamboo the path will be much less stressful.

Don't panic because we're here to help!

Now we're all set! Let's start defining the path to get that team you've been longing for.

1. Define your objectives: We can't say it enough. A vital part of organizing a project is having clear objectives, project management 101. First things first, organization.

Your objectives should always be clear, measurable and time-bounded, at the very least. Note that we are not counting Bloom's taxonomy as a "must" so we are not very "strict" either, but yes, the better you do things, the better they will be.

It's up to you to be as thorough as possible, because in the end, that will put you on the fast track to success.

2. Internal or external contract: You must decide how you want to manage the project. If you prefer to initiate a recruitment process, with all its perils, involving the human resources department and the "endless interviews" with each applicant.

Obviously something that we do not recommend, much less if it’s a short or medium term project, regarding the long term “issue” well, it depends.

We are not going to lie to you either, a team hired to be 100% in-house brings many benefits, such as better communication, closer relationships, deeper understanding of the company, the possibility of meeting the needs and solving obstacles easily, which don’t cease to arise every day, among many other benefits.

However, if you do not want to opt for an in-house option and want to know more about other solutions to manage projects with shorter times, you can read this article:

Staff augmentation facilitates the hiring process, especially in short-term projects.

3. Do a market study: As a good professional, you know that analyzing the available options is never too much. That is why when making any organizational decision, it is more than important to conduct a market study beforehand.

Evaluate aspects such as the rates offered, reviews, comments in specialized groups about the experiences with that company, types of services, among other specific aspects to take into account according to the nature of the project you have in mind.

It is always good to have several quality options to choose the one that best suits you and your pocket. Variety is the spice of life!

4. Identify the types of professionals you need in your team: This is extremely important, because in you is how big or small the team will be, as well as many other details that we will not touch because otherwise this article will have nothing to envy an encyclopedia; However, here it is important to emphasize that you can rely on the selected company for guidance in this regard. It is imperative that the team has the necessary knowledge to conclude the project successfully, that is why it must put it together "with a magnifying glass".

If we talk about the basic structure of a development team, there are "primordial pieces" that should not be left out.

Among them are the back end developers, front end developers, programmers, mobile developers, Scrum Masters?

5. Defined roles: In some teams there is a lot of confusion about the roles to be performed. Another positive point of hiring through a third party!

Regardless of whether the same member is trained in different disciplines, it is important that he/she is clear about his/her specific role in the team.

You must be quite clear about this, because this can cause friction among those involved. Everyone has a specific responsibility, period!

6. Soft skills and friendly personality: Having a team that has valuable human qualities is indispensable.

Knowledge can be easily acquired but soft skills and a personality that positively impacts others... That is worth gold.

We recommend some qualities to look for in each team member.

  • Pursuit of excellence: The work done meticulously, with dedication, quality and patience, is the one that stands out and you can tell from a distance when it was done under these standards.

  • Responsible: You need people who are committed, comply with the agreements previously made, complete the work within the defined deadlines and act in resonance with the company's values.

  • Reliable: It is imperative that you trust the capabilities of the people you work with, otherwise who in their right mind would dare to delegate! You wouldn't even trust someone to print! All the aspects mentioned here contribute to increase this trust, because if it is absent, the project is destined to fail.

  • Empathetic: Teamwork requires people with that human warmth and understanding of the reality that others live. Having this ability differentiates us from machines!

  • Organized: If your team is not organized, there is no salvation! Time is short and the more organized you are, the better.

This order is part of the internal planning that your team must develop, both with you and with each other.

7. They must share the company's Values: Whatever they are, they must, yes, again in bold and underlined, be aligned with what your company seeks to project. Remember that the employees within your company represent it, even more so today when social media is booming and every action is evaluated with a magnifying glass before an audience that ultimately does not know the word "mercy".

Companies that encourage their employees, ensure that they apply these values on a daily basis and genuinely care about them, are the ones that become a "Great Place to Work". Who wouldn't want to have this recognition?!

8. Knowledge and talent are always allies: You should definitely aspire to get people who are experts in their field, because one thing is to have knowledge and another is talent. You can have extensive knowledge but with just a pinch of talent everything changes.

Just as a musician gains mastery of his instrument with practice and talent, so will the members of your development team.

9. Team performance and commitment: The team you form must be committed to the project and this commitment will always be reflected in the respect they have for each other, the proper compliance with deadlines, the communication skills they have, which includes empathy between them, respect for the differences between members....

Remember that you as an employer must also meet certain criteria to opt for a smooth process. Among them are: the provision of the necessary tools, the establishment of defined deadlines, rules (protocols) of behavior and good practices at work, such as disclosure contracts, and finally, it is never too much to be accessible so that your team communicates effectively with you.

Not only your team needs to be communicative, you need to be very communicative, we all love that flexibility in our employers!

Here at Bamboo we are dedicated to advising companies like yours, so that your project, from start to finish, is a resounding success.

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